Crafting Pinocchio
Do you know the story of Pinocchio? Guillermo del Toro Gómez, a Mexican filmmaker and author, reinvents the classic story of a wooden puppet brought to life. The craft of making the wooden puppet for this movie is stunning and you can view for yourself, 90 photos of Pinocchio in the making, part of a traveling art exhibit.
Native Alaskan art
An admirer of Native American Art? If you go to Sitka, Alaska, you can learn how to make a traditional grass basket, jewelry, and metal pieces by local Native Alaskan artisan crafters. This article was written by Next Avenue-news and information for people over 50-content includes links to organization is in Sitka, Alaska that promote Native Alaskan storytellers and their crafts.
Sante Fe International Folk Art Market
Sante Fe is a stunning town, just an hour drive from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sante Fe is known as one of the most fascinating historic and artistic cities in the U.S. In addition, to the stunning local Native American art scene, Sante Fe offers an International Folk Art Market and it is considered one of the best in the country, It is also inspiring to know that this International Folk Art Market creates economic opporunities for and with folk artists worldwide who celebrate and preserve folk art traditions.
American Craft
This is one of my favorite art and craft magazines. Each page brings works of art and craft to life. This magazine celebrates the diversity of American craft and its makers.
Craft in America
Located in Los Angeles, this nonprofit arts organization promotes and advances original handcrafted work through programs in all media. Great online resource for arts and craft news.
Craft show listings around the states
If you are traveling out of town, why not visit a local art and craft festival. FestivalNet is a one-stop online search for craft-and other shows, including music, food, farmer’s markets-listings around the U.S. and local. They regularly update their listings.
Volunteer Abroad Arts
This is so cool! You can volunteer overseas for a Volunteer Abroad Arts program! Check out the opportunities to use your skill and/or passion for art and crafts abroad and help others! Volunteering opportunities include teaching the arts to disabled women and promoting intercultural understand through photography projects abroad or help teach a craft to help women who may need to learn a craft that can be translated into sustainable income.
Smithsonian Craft Show 2024
From May 1-5, 2024 the Smithsonian Craft Show will celebrate the work of America’s best craft and design artists. Proceeds from the show and sale will benefit the programs and museums of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian is located in Washington D.C.
Creativeworld international trade fair
Based in Germany, Creativeworld is host to an international trade fair for hobby, craft and artists’ supplies. The technical features on the website alone will inspire you to become an artist!
Guinnessworld record arts and crafts
Now, just for fun! Browse through the images on Guinnessworld records arts and craft website and find the largest crochet blanket, the largest fabric marbling painting, and more!